Paketan & Regane

Seneng dhukungan pelanggan 24/7 ing kabeh rencana
Trusted by more than 850.000 merek around the world
The most Advanced QR code generator with Logo online
  • US$18Wulan
  • WulanTaun
Umpetna fitur
  • Number of GS1 QR Codes: 200
  • User Seats: 1
  • Unlimited number of QR code scans
  • Upload file size limit: 10MB (if applicable)
  • API: 5000 requests/month
  • Track number of scans and location
  • Clone QR code
  • Password protection
  • QR code expiry
  • Retarget (Facebook Pixel and Google Tag Manager)
  • Restrict scanning zone (geofence)
  • White label
  • Integrasi Canva
  • integration
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Zapier integration
  • HubSpot integration
  • US$39Wulan
  • Ditagih saben taun
Umpetna fitur
  • Number of GS1 QR Codes: 500
  • User Seats: 1
  • Unlimited number of QR code scans
  • Upload file size limit: 20MB (if applicable)
  • API: 10000 requests/month
  • Track number of scans and location
  • Clone QR code
  • Password protection
  • QR code expiry
  • Retarget (Facebook Pixel and Google Tag Manager)
  • Restrict scanning zone (geofence)
  • White label
  • Integrasi Canva
  • integration
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Zapier integration
  • HubSpot integration
  • 1 custom domain label
  • US$89Wulan
  • Ditagih saben taun
Umpetna fitur
  • Number of GS1 QR Codes: 1000
  • User Seats: 2
  • Unlimited number of QR code scans
  • Upload file size limit: 20MB (if applicable)
  • API: 25000 requests/month
  • Track number of scans and location
  • Clone QR code
  • Password protection
  • QR code expiry
  • Retarget (Facebook Pixel and Google Tag Manager)
  • Restrict scanning zone (geofence)
  • White label
  • Integrasi Canva
  • integration
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Zapier integration
  • HubSpot integration
  • 2 custom domain label
  • Custom features.
    Built for teams.

  • Rencana Enterprise duwe fitur lan solusi canggih kanggo perusahaan. Sampeyan bisa nemtokake admin lan sub-pangguna sing beda kanggo ngatur kampanye kode QR karo tim utawa merek sing beda ing perusahaan sampeyan.
    QR TIGER wis sertifikat ISO 27001:2013.
    Hubungi spesialis akun kanggo ngerti luwih lengkap babagan rencana Enterprise lan solusi perusahaan liyane:
  • Book a discovery call

Explore our ecosystem of QR solutions

qr code generator
Create static and dynamic QR codes for more than 20 applications. Customize with your brand and track your scan performance through a highly intuitive dashboard.Nggawe akun GRATIS


Generate 500 or more digital business cards in bulk. Allow team members to manage their own vCard information.Book a demo
form tiger
Create forms for surveys, quizzes, feedback, and checklists with QR code integration.Try for Free
menu tiger
Kunjungi maring TIGER MENU kanggo mbangun menu restoran interaktif Kode QRTry for Free
gift lips
Record and personalize video greeting cards for friends, family, and colleagues.Try for Free

Pitakonan Paling Sering

Paketan & Regane
Kepiye cara rencana langganan sampeyan?

Yen sampeyan mbayar setaun, sampeyan bakal entuk x jumlah kode QR dinamis sawise rencana sampeyan. Dheweke mung sah kanggo wektu kasebut.

Apa jumlah kode QR dinamis sing bisa saya tambah saben taun?

Sampeyan ora entuk kode QR dinamis tambahan saben taun kanthi rencana sing padha. Yen sampeyan butuh kode QR liyane, sampeyan bisa nganyarke kapan wae menyang rencana sing luwih maju.

Apa ana watesan pindai kanggo kode QR dinamis sing digawe miturut rencana mbayar?

Ora ana watesan scan kanggo kode QR dinamis sing digawe miturut rencana QR TIGER sing dibayar sajrone wektu langganan. Kode QR sampeyan mung bakal mandheg yen rencana kasebut kadaluwarsa.

Kepiye carane gawe anyar rencana?

Cukup mlebu menyang akun sampeyan lan menyang Kaca rega kita. Pilih rencana sampeyan saiki utawa upgrade menyang rencana sing luwih dhuwur.

Suwene aku bisa gawe anyar rencana?

Sampeyan bisa nganyarake rencana telung (3) nganti limang (5) dina sadurunge rencana sampeyan kadaluwarsa.

Apa aku entuk pangeling kadaluwarsa rencana?

Kita ngirim email pangeling sadurunge rencana sampeyan kadaluwarsa. Mangga diwaspadai, amarga kadhangkala bisa diarahake menyang spam sampeyan.

Kepiye carane njaluk invoice?

Pindhah menyang Kula Akunku > Setelan > Invoice. Ketik jeneng perusahaan, alamat perusahaan, ID pajak, lan rincian liyane. Banjur klik Simpen.