Medical Equipment GS1 Barcodes: Reform Healthcare Tracking

Medical Equipment GS1 Barcodes: Reform Healthcare Tracking

A systematic review of healthcare equipment reveals that managing medical equipment is one of the biggest factors in providing effective healthcare. Proper management can make the biggest difference in saving someone’s life. 

Healthcare professionals will find managing medical equipment GS1 barcodes easier. The technology behind 2D barcodes will improve equipment identification and maintenance and display information on the proper use of equipment.

This guide will teach you how to operate medical equipment with this technology, what information you can use, and research data to support these points.

Table of Contents

    1. What Is the GS1 QR Code Barcode?
    2. How to Manage GS1 QR Code For Medical Equipment?
    3. User instructions and maintenance
    4. What Makes Medical Equipment GS1 Barcodes Ideal?
    5. How do I start using GS1 Barcodes for medical equipment management?
    6. Create GS1 QR Codes For Medical Equipment With Our GS1 QR Code Generator 

What Is the GS1 QR Code Barcode?

GS1 digital link QR code barcode is a set of compressed product data set by the manufacturer or user converted into a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). This URI connects to a webpage containing all pertinent data.

GS1 stands for Global Standards 1, an international non-profit organization developing and maintaining a global barcode standard. The organization ensures that QR code services consistently identify products, making management easy and reliable. 

It can be generated using a GS1 QR code generator online, which allows you to set different parameters and customize the design of your QR. 

Using a smartphone camera with medical equipment GS1 barcodes scanning features, the user gets redirected to a webpage containing different information, such as the product name, logo, and other relevant details. 

How to Manage GS1 QR Code For Medical Equipment?

Healthcare professionals and patients can scan the GS1 barcode or medical equipment GS1 QR code to access important information about the product.

The following information can be displayed:

  • User instructions and maintenance
  • Proper disposal
  • Lifespan
  • Equipment authenticity
  • Restricting access
  • Tracking scans

User instructions and maintenance

Healthcare professionals are trained to use different medical equipment, but the complexity of medical equipment grows daily as innovations are made in the medical field. A study by the World Health Organization suggests two points regarding the consequences of medical technological growth:

  • The healthcare professional does not have enough experience and
  • Healthcare professionals are asked to learn a skill set that is difficult to learn

The medical equipment of healthcare facilities in Ethiopia reveals that two out of five medical equipment needs to be used more effectively. With instructions, healthcare professionals will find it easier to use new medical equipment, increasing the quality of healthcare. 

Moreover, 2D barcodes can store more than just instructions; they can also store a proper maintenance guide. 

Around 60% of medical equipment failures are caused by improper maintenance. This indicates that simply learning how to handle proper equipment will boost the quality of the equipment. 

Learning how to use and maintain equipment properly will reduce its probability of failure during use, increase lifespan, and improve healthcare provision overall.

Scanning Of  GS1 QR Code

Proper disposal

Medical equipment is either sanitized or disposed of after use. Improper medical equipment disposal can harm people’s health, the environment, and even hospital funding.


Most medical equipment is either reusable or disposable. Some may need replacement after several uses or timespan.

GS1 QR codes that are compliant with the GS1 organization indicate the lifespan of the medical equipment. Healthcare professionals can use this information to maintain the quality of medical procedures.

GS1 QR Code For Medical Equipment

Equipment authenticity

Authenticity verification is one of the most important steps in using a medical product.

The World Health Organization (WHO) mentions that 1 in 10 medical products in underdeveloped countries are of poor quality. Avoiding substandard products will greatly increase the quality of healthcare provided by facilities.

Healthcare providers can further ensure the quality and reliability of the equipment by verifying its equipment authenticity through GS1 2D barcodes.

Restricting access

Some medical equipment GS1 barcodes have a feature that restricts access using passwords and GPS tracking.

Hospitals can set equipment to only be scannable in certain areas or lock it behind a password to ensure that not just anybody can scan and use it. This can prevent untrained users, such as patients, from attempting the use of dangerous medical equipment without supervision.

GS1 QR Code For Healthcare

Tracking QR code scans

Users can monitor how much the QR codes and other data are used, which will greatly impact the analysis of the equipment's use.

You can find important information such as which equipment was most scanned and why. This data may indicate that the equipment was needed the most.

It also tells the user that handling the equipment is difficult for healthcare professionals. With this information, hospitals can host seminars to educate the staff about the equipment.

What Makes Medical Equipment GS1 Barcodes Ideal?

GS1 QR Codes for medical equipment offer numerous advantages for managing medical equipment and enhancing accessibility, flexibility, and functionality in various healthcare settings.

Accessible GS1 QR Code

Nowadays, everybody has a smartphone. A journal publication estimates that 98.4% of medical practitioners use digital technology. With just the standard camera app pre-installed on a user’s device, they can scan the medical equipment GS1 barcodes and gain access to important information regarding medical equipment. 

If a mobile phone is not compatible with scanning a medical equipment GS1 barcode, users can always choose to download compatible QR code scanner applications.


QR codes can store links and other files. Healthcare professionals can scan the QR code to watch a video, view an image, or download a document. This can hold different information, such as instructions, disposal, etc.

Setting Restrictions

Some of the information available in QR codes might be for healthcare professionals only.

Healthcare professionals can set passwords or make specific QR codes only accessible in certain places to keep unauthorized access.
Keeping the GS1 QR code for healthcare is one of the best uses of this technology.

Offline use Of GS1 Barcode

Users can scan the GS1 QR code even if the internet is inaccessible. Offline access is critical, especially in busy hospitals and rural areas with limited or no internet access.

ITU statistics estimate that 33% of the population still lacks internet access. This can be detrimental to the healthcare systems of affected areas.


Individuals familiar with digital devices won’t find working with medical equipment GS1 barcodes difficult. 

Almost anybody can access the information stored in the codes with only a regular smartphone camera or camera app, provided they are not restricted or have the right credentials.

This makes it easier for healthcare professionals to access important information about medical equipment.

Scanning Of GS1 Barcodes


In situations where speed is fast, 2D barcodes can be the key to success. Information can be easily provided through the codes in emergencies.

If immediate information is needed, one quick scan will be performed, and all the essential information will be displayed. This is one of the most important reasons why managing medical equipment with GS1 Barcodes is accurate and fast.

Perfect for interns

Difficulties may arise if someone is absent to guide new healthcare professionals around new equipment.

There are situations where healthcare professionals studied in schools that lacked resources to give them access to technologically advanced equipment.

A study interviewed doctors regarding the poor use of medical equipment, and 31% of the respondents mentioned they would practice if only they had access to advanced equipment. With this in mind, it is critical to provide interns with access to important,  safe equipment, even without guidance.

Bulk Generation

GS1 QR code generators like ours have a built-in function to generate QR codes for up to 3,000 products at a time. This is intended for businesses that handle thousands of products and is ideal for managing numerous medical equipment. This feature makes it easy for large, busy hospitals to manage numerous equipment.

Reduce Cost

Producing QR Codes creates little to no cost, with additional payments mostly focusing on enhanced use and bulk operations. Printing QR Codes also costs less resources and space and can hold more information than labels.

How do I start using GS1 Barcodes for medical equipment management?

Here’s an easy way to start managing your medical equipment with either QR Codes or Barcodes:
  1. Go to the GS1 QR code generator and click “Try it now.”
  2. Fill in the Primary Identification Key details, such as the Application Identifier (AI), Value, and Serial Number. You also have the option to set the Key Qualities and Data Attributes.
  3. Enter the URL destination.
  4. Customize your QR code and click “Generate.”

Create GS1 QR Codes For Medical Equipment With Our GS1 QR Code Generator 

Implementing medical equipment GS1 barcodes is a significant step in healthcare management.

These barcodes not only simplify the tracking and maintenance of vital medical devices but also enhance patient safety and overall healthcare quality by providing quick and reliable access to critical information, such as usage instructions, maintenance schedules, and authenticity verification. 

As healthcare advances, adopting GS1 barcodes will be essential in maintaining a high standard of equipment management worldwide. This universal standard not only simplifies complex processes but also ensures that hospitals and healthcare providers can meet the demands of modern medical practice with greater precision and confidence.

Embracing this technology today will pave the way for a more secure, efficient, and cost-effective healthcare system tomorrow.

Start optimizing your medical equipment management with GS1 QR Code now and contribute to the future of healthcare. Use our GS1 QR code generator for this purpose, and for more offers, visit our website, QR TIGER.

DISCLAIMER: We acknowledge that GS1, as well as the materials, proprietary items, and all related patents, copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property (collectively, “intellectual property”) relating to its use, are the property of GS1 Global, and that our use of the same shall be in accordance with the conditions provided by GS1 Global.